
Uglich Museum, Gallery of Modern Orthodox Art Under the Holy Veil

tickets are on sale on the website uglmus.ru
  • Пн — вс9:00–18:00
  • Ярославская обл., Угличский р-н., г. Углич, ул. Ярославская, д. 1
  • https://uglmus.ru/
The Gallery of Orthodox Art is a museum where you can see paintings and other exhibits related to Orthodox art.

The Gallery of Orthodox Art is a museum located in the city of Uglich, where you can see paintings and other exhibits related to Orthodox art.


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The main attraction of the Yaroslavl region is a constellation of 12 ancient cities: Yaroslavl, Gavrilov-Yam, Danilov, Lyubim, Myshkin, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Poshekhonye, Rostov the Great, Rybinsk, Tutaev, Uglich and the flooded Mologa. Each of them has its own unique appearance and atmosphere.