
Secrets of Talitsa

1 h 15 min
At the confluence of the Talitsa with the Volga, there is an open–air monument - the Glebovsky geological outcrops, they are a UNESCO monument of geology.



  • 1. Railway station

    • Ярославская обл., Рыбинский р-н., г. Рыбинск, ул. Пассажирская, д. 1а
    • 15 min
    Railway station
    photo: Cultural and Tourism Development Center of the Republic of Moldovafile:///C:/Users/user125/Desktop/f_czQxLnJhZGlrYWwucnUvaTA5My8xNzEwL2QyLzIyNjYxN2NmMDk0NC5qcGc=.jpeg

    start of the route from the railway station to Glebovo by commuter bus No. 115

  • 2. "Secrets of Talitsa"

    • Ярославская обл., Рыбинский р-н., с. Глебово, ул. Волжская, д. 4
    • 1 h
    "Secrets of Talitsa"
    photo: Cultural and Tourism Development Center of the Republic of Moldovafile:///C:/Users/user125/Desktop/talicza.jpg

    At the confluence of the Talitsa with the Volga, there is an open–air monument - the Glebovsky geological outcrops, which are a UNESCO monument of geology. The riverbed was formed in the Quaternary period, approximately 10-15 million years ago when a glacier descended.

    The first mentions in the "Tale of Bygone Years" about the area near Talitsa date back to 1113. Along the shores there are three large springs, according to legend, in one of them the water is considered healing. There is also a blue stone here. Locals nicknamed it the "wishing stone". The belief says that it brings well-being, health and love. The bridge over Talitsa has its own history. Newlyweds tie ribbons on the railing of the Bridge of Lovers to preserve their love. . Once upon a time, before the war, a guy and a girl swore their love on it. Then the guy went to the front, and the funeral came home. And only one girl did not believe that he was dead, and waited for him on the bridge every day. The guy returned after 20 years.


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The main attraction of the Yaroslavl region is a constellation of 12 ancient cities: Yaroslavl, Gavrilov-Yam, Danilov, Lyubim, Myshkin, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Poshekhonye, Rostov the Great, Rybinsk, Tutaev, Uglich and the flooded Mologa. Each of them has its own unique appearance and atmosphere.