
In the footsteps of the "noble nests"

5 h 25 min
Car route to the sites of former noble estates of the Mologsky district

"Mologskaya strana" was once the name of the lands of the Mologsky district of the Yaroslavl province. At one time, it was considered one of the most educated counties in Russia.

The Azanchevsky-Azancheyevs, Volkonskys, Glebovs, Kurakins, Konovnitsyns, Musin-Pushkins, Sokovnins, Vogels, Shchepochkins and many other famous figures of the country had their "rural" estates here. Nekouzsky district is rightfully considered the heir of the "Russian Atlantis of the XX century", most of the territory of the district was made up of the largest volosts of the former Mologsky district.

We suggest you follow in the footsteps of the "noble nests"!


  • 1. S. Shestikhino

    • Ярославская обл., Некоузский р-н., п. Шестихино
    • 45 min
    The house of the manager of the brick factory, Prince A.A. Kurakin
    photo: Baskakova O.N.archive of the institution

    The point of departure is the Shestikhino railway station. A trip to the house of Prince A.A. Kurakin, the manager of the brick factory, the only surviving building in the Yaroslavl region, which was built according to the project of architect V. Schroeter.

  • 2. M. Murzino (Gorshkovo)

    • Ярославская обл., Некоузский р-н., м. Мурзино
    • 45 min
    The colonnade of the former Gorshkovo estate in Murzino
    photo: Baskakova O.N.archive of the institution

    The colonnade of the former Gorshkovo estate in Murzino, the history of which is connected with the noble families of Glebov, Azanchevsky-Azancheyev, Shebeko. Once it was a beautiful manor house, with a large manor house and outbuildings for guests, with large stables, a park, an orchard and a greenhouse.The once beautiful manor park has also been preserved

  • 3. S. Kuzma – Demyan

    • Ярославская обл., Некоузский р-н., с. Кузьма-Демьян
    • 45 min
    Church of the Kazan Mother of God (1801) in the village of Kuzma-Demyan
    photo: Baskakova O.N.archive of the institution

    For the Nekouzsky district, the church of the Kazan Mother of God (1801) in the village of Kuzma-Demyan is not quite common. It is small: a two-tiered bell tower, a small refectory, a rotunda. But the bell tower is very decorated with kokoshniks made in the neo-Russian style.

    There is a version that the rotunda of the church in Kuzma-Demyan was planned by the Musins-Pushkins, the former owners. The project was developed by the architect Lviv. And only after the sale of the land by Sokovnin, they decided to turn the rotunda into a church, adding an altar and a bell tower.

  • 4. S. Marino

    • Ярославская обл., Некоузский р-н., с. Марьино
    • 45 min
    Stone church in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
    photo: Baskakova O.N.archive of the institution

    The oldest school of the former Mologsky district is located here – it was opened on September 1, 1835 in the village of Maryino (now Nekouzsky district) by Prince Mikhail Dmitrievich Volkonsky (1811-1875). As well as a stone church in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the construction of which was personally supervised by Count Alexei Ivanovich Musin-Pushkin.

  • 5. M. Andreevskoe

    • Ярославская обл., Некоузский р-н., м. Андреевское
    • 45 min
    The kitchen building of the estate in Andreevskoye
    photo: Baskakova O.N.archive of the institution

    The owners of the Andreevskoye estate at various times were the Musins-Pushkins, Kurakins, Volkonskys. The manor complex with a kitchen building, a stone shop and a landscape park was built in the style of Western European neo-Romanticism. The English park with cascading ponds is inscribed in the picturesque relief of the Ild River.

  • 6. Verkhne-Nikulskoye village

    • Ярославская обл., Некоузский р-н., с. Верхне-Никульское
    • 45 min
    Trinity Church in Verkhne-Nikulskoye village
    photo: Baskakova O.N.archive of the institution

    The Trinity Church, erected on the high bank of the Ildi in the second half of the 18th century, is noteworthy. The church is the most unusual architectural monument in this part of the Mologsky lands. It was here that Archimandrite Pavel (Gruzdev), an amazing elder of the Russian Orthodox Church, served as rector from 1960 to June 1992.

  • 7. P. Borok

    • Ярославская обл., Некоузский р-н., п. Борок
    • 1 h
    The estate of N.A. Morozov
    photo: Baskakova O.N.archive of the institution

    The estate of N. A. Morozov (1854-1946), an active revolutionary, an outstanding encyclopedic scientist, an honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, author of works on mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, philosophy. Now Borok is a scientific town, there are three institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the founder of which is the Soviet hero polar explorer And . D. Papanin.


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The main attraction of the Yaroslavl region is a constellation of 12 ancient cities: Yaroslavl, Gavrilov-Yam, Danilov, Lyubim, Myshkin, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Poshekhonye, Rostov the Great, Rybinsk, Tutaev, Uglich and the flooded Mologa. Each of them has its own unique appearance and atmosphere.