
Guided tour "History of Yaroslavl region" (6+)

2 h • walk
The guide will tell the history of Yaroslavl from the founding of the city by Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Rostov

The guide will tell the history of Yaroslavl from the founding of the city by Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Rostov and the capture of the settlement by the Golden Horde in 1238 to the establishment of the Yaroslavl province and the first Yaroslavl governor.

Visitors will see the most significant events in the history of the Yaroslavl Region in the period from the 13th to the 18th centuries. During the tour, guests will learn about the life and deeds of the most prominent representatives of princely dynasties, about the features of the military weapons of the Russian warrior of the XII–XVII centuries, as well as get acquainted with the relics of the past and answer the question why the XVII century is called the golden age in the history of Yaroslavl.

1. Ярославский музей-заповедник

Ярославская обл., г. Ярославль, Богоявленская пл., д. 25
0 min
photo: Елена Виноградова.Архив Ярославского историко-архитектурного и художественного музея-заповедника.



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The main attraction of the Yaroslavl region is a constellation of 12 ancient cities: Yaroslavl, Gavrilov-Yam, Danilov, Lyubim, Myshkin, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Poshekhonye, Rostov the Great, Rybinsk, Tutaev, Uglich and the flooded Mologa. Each of them has its own unique appearance and atmosphere.